Bao zongzi, first of all to wash the leaves of the leaves, soak in hot water. When you prepare dates, eggs, meat and other things, you will be ready to start. Fold the long leaves, fold them up, make a nest, and put them in the middle of a mixture of glutinous rice and glutinous rice. Then place the trap in the rice, knead it together, and finally make the four corners of the zongzi wrapped in the leaves.
This package zongzi is all in the last process, your zongzi bag is very bad, it is to see whether the four angles are symmetrical, whether there is a type. When I began to learn, I always had four corners, not six corners, but a ball.
Grandma more than once looked at my masterpiece and laughed. "this, can you call it zongzi? Where do you want the thin line?"
I'm dizzy! The emotional dumplings are made of four angles that are easily tied up in thin lines. How can you not have a round zongzi in the world?
Cook the dumplings in a pot and cook them for about an hour. Cook them for 30 minutes.
In the course of cooking zongzi, I always have to reveal the situation. Because the aroma of the dumplings was wafted from the pan, and it made my mouth water.
It was always a long wait, and I was dancing with joy when I saw the steaming hot dumplings coming out of the pan. Crack in a bowl, chopsticks, you can see inside the golden soft "reed meat", a bite, delicious, I almost even chopsticks to bite down.